A good answer might be:


value = 32912;

is executed nothing new is created. A pattern representing 32912 is stored in the bits of value.

Two Types of Assignment Statements

Notice that there is a difference between the two statements:

value = 32912;


str   = new String( "The Gingham Dog" );

In the first statement, value is a primitive type, so the assigment statement puts the data directly into it. In the second statement, str is an object reference variable (the only other possibility) so a reference to the object is put into that variable.

Important Point: A variable never contains an object.

There are only primitive variables and object reference variables, and each contains a specific kind of information:

Kind of VariableInformation it ContainsWhen on the left of "="
primitive variableContains actual data.Previous data is replaced with new data.
reference variableContains information on how to find an object.Old reference is replaced with a new reference

How do you tell the two kinds of variables apart? Easy: look at how the variable is declared. Unless it was declared to be of a primitive type, it is an object reference variable. A variable will not change its declared type.


How are the following variables declared? Click on the button of your choice.

Declaration PrimitiveObject Reference
int foo;
String st;
boolean flag;
Object obj;